Vacancies for Paid Positions
Ongoing Volunteer Recruitment
The foundation of the Peterborough Pagans Rugby Club is our growing team of dedicated, passionate, and caring volunteers. From on-field staff, to bar/facilities, field maintenance and general event/Club volunteers, we could not be here without you! As the second largest rugby Club in Ontario, serving over 400 members in the Peterborough and surrounding area, we could not be more grateful for your ongoing contributions.
The Peterborough Pagans Rugby Club offers a range of volunteer opportunities, if you are looking for ways to enhance your resume, receive credit hours for educational programming, or a way to give back to your community, one of our volunteer positions may be right for you.
Team Coach and On-Field Staff Positions
The Peterborough Pagans RUFC have a long history of developing grass roots players and preparing them to succeed throughout their rugby career both as a Pagans athlete, and beyond. We have many athletes grow through our pathways from minor, to junior and then senior level programs, and continue their athletic career well beyond our community. Our athletes can be seen competing in overseas amateur rugby, university/college rugby, Provincial rugby, National Team rugby and even professionally; we are proud of all of our Pagans athletes, and understand that coaches are a core factor in developing our athletes to meet their greatest potential.
The on-field staff from minor to junior level programming at the Peterborough Pagans Rugby Club are all volunteers. Many have played rugby as children and others have recently been introduced to the sport. The club actively encourages and supports anyone who is willing to help a hand as a coach – and with over 400 members, we need it!
Rugby has a unique culture in sport – one steeped in history, built on respect, teamwork and camaraderie. Pagans coaches are committed to the holistic, healthy and supportive development of our players while upholding the core values of the sport – its as much a part of our club’s culture as it is of the sport as a whole.
We have a place for anyone who would like to coach within the club. Many of our parents assistant coach within the mini and junior programs and we always welcome and support those who can offer their time.
If you are interested in volunteer coaching, being a team manager, or getting involved in on-field related volunteering in any capacity, please complete this form. Note, if you are interested in positions for senior level coaching, please look to the next section as these are paid opportunities.
How much rugby coaching experience do I need?
We have roles for everyone, whether you’re an experienced player or coach, or completely new to the game. Coaching at the minis level is a great way to get into coaching at the club, no prior experience necessary.
Some additional coaching training requirements/recommendations can be found here.
I don’t have a lot of time, can I still coach?
Even a small contribution is valuable. Our coaches have busy professional and personal lives and can’t always make practices or matches – in all our programs/ages we encourage and enough coaching depth that we have other coaches available if you can’t make it. Many parents are actively involved as coaches in the mini and junior programs – it’s a great way to enjoy your child’s participation.
How much of a time commitment do I need to make?
The programs are well developed and do not require a great deal of preparation time. Most Head Coaches have a significant amount of coaching and playing experience and will plan and lead the sessions, so not a lot of prep time is required from the assistant coaches.
I see there is a fee to register as a coach on Sportlomo, will I be reimbursed?
Yes! Peterborough Pagans RUFC will reimburse the fee required on Sportlomo to register as a club coach. Additionally, if you are a player in the club, and also coaching one of our programs, we will reimburse the Club portion of your registration fee. All reimbursements will be provided at the end of each season.
If you have any additional questions regarding volunteering within our on-field staff category, please reach out to our Director of Rugby at
Executive and Sub-Committee Vacancies
Peterborough Rugby Union Football Club is a Not-for-Profit organization that is run by a Board of Executives, which is supported by various sub-committees to ensure we are able to seamlessly bring rugby to the Peterborough and surrounding area.
If you are interested in being a part of our Executive, or volunteering on a sub-committee, please see our vacancies on our executive committee page.